
Friday, November 11, 2011

Idea 3G Coverage Updated Maharashtra-Goa

Updated Coverage List:
IDEA Cellular- the leading mobile service operator of india today said that it has now extended its 3G services to cover all major towns in the Maharashtra and Goa telecom circle making it the widest spread 3G network in the both state.

Idea’s 3G services are now available more than 170 cities and towns in Maharashtra and Goa circle.

Apart from metro cities, IDEA Cellular’s focus on growth from semi-urban heartlands, comprising of industrial, agricultural and educational regions seem to be working, as the company has experienced huge growth in next generation 3G data traffic in the largely semi-urban market of Maharashtra and Goa state.

To feel the difference personally, mobile users can experience 3G services at special ‘Experience Kiosks’ set up inside ‘My Idea’ Stores across all major locations in the circle. The detailed report of the name of cities where idea 3g is available is depicted below


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